Skin Cancer Task Force in the News

The Colorado Cancer Coalition Skin Cancer Task Force was recently highlighted in the Denver Post.

New survey warns Coloradans to keep using sunscreen even when the temperature drops

Excerpt: Some Colorado communities are taking steps to help prevent the number of skin cancers in the state, said Jessica Mounessa, co-chair of the Colorado Skin Cancer Task Force.

The Colorado Department of Health and Environment awarded the University of Colorado School of Public Health and the University of Colorado School of Medicine’s Department of Dermatology, both members of the Skin Cancer Task Force, a $75,000 grant that will provide UV cameras that can reveal damaged skin to 10 Colorado universities – including Denver University and the University of Colorado Auraria and Boulder campuses.

Melanoma is the leading cause of cancer death in women between 25 and 30, according to the Melanoma Research Foundation.

“Indoor tanning is a huge issue on Colorado campuses,” Mounessa said.

The task force does skin checks and screening at wellness and other events in Denver. It also provides similar services on request from organizations like the U.S. Postal Service, and the Gathering Place, a day-time, drop-in center for homeless women and children

Decreasing UV Radiation is a priority in Colorado. For more information visit the Colorado Cancer Plan
Cancer Plan Goal 2: Increased prevalence of healthy behaviors
Objective 2:3: Decrease exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation. Link to measures and strategies in the Cancer Plan